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Stock CFDs

With Stock CFDs, you can trade the price movements of top global companies without the need to own actual shares. Our trading platform provides competitive spreads, fast order execution, and 24/5-access to the markets, so you can seize Stock CFD opportunities at your convenience. Whether you're looking to hedge or capitalize on market trends, our Stock CFDs give you the power to trade both rising and falling markets. Join the GMI community today and take advantage of our trusted platform to trade Stock CFDs with confidence.
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Market Spreads

US Shares

  • AAPLApple Inc.0.01Monday-Friday: 16:31:30
    to 22:59:50
  • MSFTMicrosoft Corporation0.01Monday-Friday: 16:31:30
    to 22:59:50
  • Inc.0.01Monday-Friday: 16:31:30
    to 22:59:50
  • GOOGLAlphabet Inc.0.01Monday-Friday: 16:31:30
    to 22:59:50
  • TSLATesla Inc.0.01Monday-Friday: 16:31:30
    to 22:59:50
  • NVDANVIDIA Corporation0.01Monday-Friday: 16:31:30
    to 22:59:50
  • METAMeta Platforms Inc.0.01Monday-Friday: 16:31:30
    to 22:59:50
  • JNJJohnson & Johnson0.01Monday-Friday: 16:31:30
    to 22:59:50
  • JPMJPMorgan Chase & Co.0.01Monday-Friday: 16:31:30
    to 22:59:50
  • BRK.BBerkshire Hathaway Inc.0.01Monday-Friday: 16:31:30
    to 22:59:50

Please note that the displayed trading hours are in the GMT+3 time zone.

HK Shares

  • 0700.HKTencent Holdings Limited0.01Morning: 3:31 - 5:59
    Afternoon: 7:01 - 9:59
  • 9988.HKAlibaba Group Holding Limited0.01Morning: 3:31 - 5:59
    Afternoon: 7:01 - 9:59
  • 0939.HKChina Construction Bank Corporation0.01Morning: 3:31 - 5:59
    Afternoon: 7:01 - 9:59
  • 2318.HKPing An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd.0.01Morning: 3:31 - 5:59
    Afternoon: 7:01 - 9:59
  • 1299.HKAIA Group Limited0.01Morning: 3:31 - 5:59
    Afternoon: 7:01 - 9:59
  • 0388.HKHong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited0.01Morning: 3:31 - 5:59
    Afternoon: 7:01 - 9:59
  • 3988.HKBank of China Limited0.01Morning: 3:31 - 5:59
    Afternoon: 7:01 - 9:59
  • 1398.HKIndustrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited0.01Morning: 3:31 - 5:59
    Afternoon: 7:01 - 9:59
  • 0941.HKChina Mobile Limited0.01Morning: 3:31 - 5:59
    Afternoon: 7:01 - 9:59
  • 0883.HKCNOOC Limited0.01Morning: 3:31 - 5:59
    Afternoon: 7:01 - 9:59

Please note that the displayed trading hours are in the GMT+3 time zone.

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