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Trade the volatility: Cryptos are moving

Instant access to the most popular Cryptocurrencies with 30% welcome trading funds.Comece a negociar


Cryptocurrencies, known for their volatility, have become increasingly popular with traders and speculators of the global financial markets. Trade crypto with GMI, quickly, efficiently, and at more competitive rates than our competitors.(
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Why trade digital currencies with GMI?

Speculate on cryptocurrency prices with no need for multiple wallets, encryptions or gas fees

Simplified trading

Speculate on cryptocurrency prices with no need for multiple wallets, encryptions or gas fees
No need to wait for mass adoption, speculate on the price moves and benefit from the volatility of the market

Profit from the price fluctuation

No need to wait for mass adoption, speculate on the price moves and benefit from the volatility of the market
Trade on our own trading app and access your trades anytime, anywhere from the palm of your hands

GMI Edge

Trade on our own trading app and access your trades anytime, anywhere from the palm of your hands
Our superior technology solutions and stable and safe trading environments will put you at ease

Secure trading environment

Our superior technology solutions and stable and safe trading environments will put you at ease
We serve over 1 million traders around the world and safeguard our client's security

Trusted trading

We serve over 1 million traders around the world and safeguard our client's security

Industry's lowest spreads on cryptos

InstrumentoNomeSpreads tão baixos quanto
BNBUSDTproBinance Coin0.01
BCHUSDTproBitcoin Cash0.01
ETCUSDTproEthereum Classic0.001
FILUSDTproFile Coin0.001

Traditional asset trading vs hodling?

Hodling – a cryptojargon term coined by Reddit users – refers to the purchase of a digital asset, without initial intent to sell, in the hope of the value increasing over time and with mass adoption.


O que são criptomoedas?

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Cryptos são moedas digitais exclusivas baseadas na tecnologia Blockchain. Blockchain é uma tecnologia descentralizada que gerencia e registra transações, espalhando-as por vários computadores.

Existem valores de swap?

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Sim, os Swaps podem ser ajustados de acordo com as condições de mercado e taxas fornecidas pelo nosso Provedor de Liquidez, aplicáveis a todas as posições abertas.

Qual é o requisito de alavancagem/margem?

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Alavancagem oferecida de 1:20, Requisito de margem: Tamanho do lote * Tamanho do contrato * Preço de abertura /20

Quais comissões são aplicáveis ao negociar criptomoedas? NOVO!

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As taxas de comissão agora são de 0,16% por lote-padrão negociado, em vez de 0,32% Lot *Opening Price * Contract Size * 0.16%

Exemplo de margem ao abrir uma posição?

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Moeda base da conta: USD Posição: Aberto 1 lote COMPRAR BTCUSDT em 23000 1 Tamanho do lote: 1 Bitcoin Alavancagem 1:20 Margem necessária: 1 * 1 * 23.000/20 = 1.150 USD